




Ask just about anyone what is the most important characteristic of any healthy relationship, 而回应往往是沟通. 作为一个网站开发人员 定制软件开发 公司, it is vital that you establish effective communication between you and your team and the clients who enlist your services because they need a new 网站.

Website developers and designers must understand their client's goals since this component of their business- especially if they are an ecommerce only business- is crucial to creating a successful online presence. 通过了解你的客户想要达到的目标, 电竞赛事竞猜APP调整你的方法和设计来满足他们的需求, thus ensuring that their 网站 is effective and serves their business objectives.

Let's look at some best practices for developers and designers to put in place to understand better your client's goals for their 网站 and ecommerce.

进行彻底的发现过程. Start the conversation by initiating a discovery process about their business. This involves asking your client many questions about all aspects of their business, 包括学习他们的历史, 熟悉他们所有的产品和服务, 确定目标受众和竞争对手, and assessing the state of their current 网站 or ecommerce platform. This lengthy conversation will reveal a wealth of information that can begin the development process. 你可能想问的问题包括:

  • 给我们的团队一个公司的基本故事或历史.
  • 跟我们说说你的品牌.
  • 你们的产品和服务是什么? Which ones are popular, generate the most revenue, or lag behind?
  • 你的主要目的是什么 网站? 增加销售? 获得领导地位?
  • 你的目标受众是谁? 他们的需求和痛点是什么? Do you know their demographics like age, gender, location, and behaviors?
  • 你们的主要竞争对手是谁? 他们有什么是你没有的?
  • What are your business objectives, and how will a new or revamped 网站 help achieve your goals?
  • What are your current pain points with your 网站 or ecommerce platform? 你想改进什么?

很明显,这将是一个漫长的讨论,但值得一谈. 通过问这些问题, 最有可能的, 许多其他的, you can better understand your client's vision and goals and how your 网站开发与设计 专业知识可以帮助实现这些目标.

了解客户的品牌和信息. Another important part of evaluating your clients' goals is understanding their brand and messaging. Remember- their identity and reputation are an enormous component of their brand, so it is essential to understand and communicate this accurately on their 网站. Their unique value proposition must be conveyed to their target audience to build awareness that, 反过来, 生成销售.

Some questions to consider when asking your client about branding and messaging can include the following:

  • What is your brand's identity, and how is it or how should it be reflected on your 网站?
  • Is their unique value proposition communicated effectively on their current 网站?
  • What messaging and tone does your client want to present on their 网站?
  • What are your client's products and services' key features and benefits? How can they be highlighted on their 网站 to achieve maximum exposure?

This part of the conversation with your client will help you understand their brand and the tone and depth of their messaging. The developer and designers must ensure that their 网站 is consistent with the overall brand identity and effectively communicates their unique presence to their target audience.

Determine the key features and 功能 your client requires. 这是与你的客户对话的下一个阶段. 在对公司有了深刻的了解之后, 如上所述, the following questions should reflect more of the nuts and bolts of the development process. There will be an enormous variety of features to include as the 网站 design moves forward, and they will vary depending on the type of business or industry and the products and services offered. Keep in mind that not all clients understand this technical terminology, 所以准备好解释推荐的每一件作品, 包括以下内容:

  • A user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and encourages conversions
  • 电子商务功能,如购物车, 产品清单, 支付处理, 在线预订, 和评论
  • 与其他软件集成, such as customer relationship management (CRM) or accounting systems
  • Mobile responsiveness to ensure that 网站 looks and functions well on all devices
  • 搜索引擎优化 (搜索引擎优化)来提高网站的可见性和流量
  • Social media integration to help build brand awareness, again, to drive traffic to the 网站

Remember that clients may know what they want in a 网站 but not how to ask the question. Website developers and designers can guide clients to understand the terminology as well as put the features in place to achieve their objectives.

制定内容策略. Now you are moving beyond the structure and determining the quality and scope of the written and visual content. 这涉及到确定将包含什么类型的内容, 它将如何组织和呈现, and how it will be optimized for 搜索 engines and social media. 与客户讨论以下问题:

  • 什么类型的内容将包括在 网站? 内容可以包括产品或服务描述, 博客文章, 奖状, 案例研究, 照片和图像, 信息图, 还有视频教程.
  • 内容将如何组织、呈现和访问? 会有菜单或导航栏吗?
  • What keywords and phrases will be used to optimize the content for 搜索 engines? An 搜索引擎优化 公司 has the resources to access this valuable information.

Knowing what kind of content and the amount included on the 网站 will influence the overall structure and layout. Clear and concise content that is visually appealing and easy to access will attract consumers in your target audience.

客户的预算是多少? Discussing the budget with the client is important to ensure that the 网站 they want to develop is within their means. 讨论功能, 功能, and a development timeline to ensure the project is feasible for your 网站 development 公司 and the client.

A 定制软件开发 firm in Nashville that includes web design and 搜索引擎优化 for ecommerce can provide exceptional strategizing and execution for your business. 今天就和专家谈谈.


